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Over the past several months, women have begun making their voices heard in resounding unison in ways that have helped empower and inspire all women, including female entrepreneurs, to take charge when it comes to breaking various walls that stand between them and success. Women face a number of obstacles in the workforce but are working to overcome them in various ways. Just see for yourself.

Mentorship and Funding

One of the most beneficial cards you can have in your corner when it comes to being an entrepreneur is having an entrepreneurial mentor who can help advise you and give you guidance when it comes to decision making and building your business. However, since an overwhelmingly large number of entrepreneurs are male, most of those available to offer mentorship are also male. You can help contribute to growing female entrepreneur mentorship availability by looking at organizations like that help network investors, mentors, and entrepreneurs with with women who have business ideas and need guidance to get off the ground.


It can be intimidating to be an entrepreneur in a cutting-edge industry wrought with failure when we’re also receiving pressure from society to place focus and importance on family and other responsibilities. Don’t let yourself get in your head. Life is not binary, and there’s no reason you can’t have everything you want, both starting a business and raising a family.

Connect with other female entrepreneurs to motivate you and uplift you. It can be easy to get yourself down, but surrounding yourself with positive influences can help you combat that self-doubt.

Fear of Failure

While entrepreneurship is full of failures and mistakes, it’s all a part of the journey, and almost always a necessary step on the road to success. If you’re too afraid of failure to even take the first step, you’ll never find success. If you believe people that tell you that you’ll fail because you’re not cut out for entrepreneurship as a woman, you’ll never find success. Gender is not a determinant of whether or not you’ll succeed, and neither is failure. Don’t let the prospect of a few missteps along your journey deter you from making it.

Women are working every day to combat these pervasive challenges that stop so many women from fulfilling their dreams of business ownership, and this is just the beginning. For more tips on entrepreneurship, make sure you check back often to this blog.